Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Saturday 12 September 2015


Oh, you think the moment you get married you will no longer be tempted? Sexual temptation happens to everyone whether single or married, young or old, white or black, sinner or saint, Pastor or ordinary church member, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, everyone.
Every one has a measure of libido that seeks expression at one point or the other. There is always someone somewhere who reminds you that you are still a normal male or a beautiful, sexually attractive woman. As long as you are still on this earth, you will be tempted.

Sexual temptation is not a problem, yielding to the temptation is a big problem and lots of people have lost their lives, marriages, businesses, destinies, career, bright future, peace of mind and a blissful eternity with God as a result of untamed sexual appetite.

There is more to life than rolling in sheets and joining sexual organs. There is an appropriate place and time for everything under the sun. Learn to put your life in order and set your priorities right.

As a single person, your focus should be on fulfilling your God-given destiny. Highly successful people don't think about sex all the time. They direct their thoughts to productive issues and work hard on daily basis to fulfill their highest dreams.

Idle people are more susceptible to sexual temptation. Their brain shut down most of the time and anything that keeps them engaged and give their body momentary pleasure is allowed. Sex is a past time for idle, indolent people.

Married people should stay focused on their spouse and avoid boredom as much as possible. A stale marriage can make affair exciting and tempting. Read my post on WHEN YOUR MARRIAGE BECOMES BORING, it will help you a great deal to avoid boredom in your marriage. Women should avoid actions, words and dressing that gives men wrong signals while men should learn to set boundaries on their relationship with members of the opposite sex.

Above all, pray always, ask God for help anytime you get tempted and make your Bible your best friend. A man who is filled with the word of God will find it difficult yielding to sexual temptation.

Avoid pornography, lustful/ romantic songs, suggestive videos and anything that adds nothing to your future.

Know your weaknesses and avoid anything that triggers you. If shaking women's hands turn you on, avoid it. Keep away from the woman whose body makes your head spin each time you see her. If there is a particular man whose voice, appearance or demeanor turns you on, don't speak in tongues and hang around him. You can't handle sexual temptation. Set your boundaries and keep him at arm's length unless you are looking for double trouble.

Single ladies who wear micro mini skirts, very low neckline tops, buttock hugging, tight fitting trousers are looking for serious trouble.Young men who are fond of drinking beer and attending night clubs are cutting their destinies short. There are some places you just can't go if you want to keep your destiny and stay pure.

Make friends with the right people who believe in keeping their testimonies. Attend positive programmes and seek counsel when the tornado of sexual temptation hits you hard. No one is above temptation, you just have to do all in your power to stay pure, chaste, sound and healthy.

You will not fall!


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