Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Far too many men these days keep  mistresses of some kind. Desperate wives have tried all in their power to break the abominable bond between their husbands and the mistresses but their efforts have proved abortive. 
Screaming or shouting at your husband won't work; abusing him will make him hate you, threatening him with divorce will make his mistress happier and fighting his mistress or pouring hot acid on her won't stop your husband from cheating. You can jump from pillar to post and pray with all your might, if you do not know the SECRET CHARM the mistress is using on your darling husband and know how to OUTWIT or OUTSMART her, you may lose your husband forever. 

This is not a time to offer sympathy, you don't need a pity party. You need to know the charm that kinky bitch is using on your husband and get her Jezebelic hands off him.

Here are the reasons your husband is madly in love with his mistress and is not ready to let her go:

1. SHE RESPECTS HIM: When a woman respects, honours and adores a man, he falls head over heels in love with her. When last did you show your husband respect?

2. SHE IS ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE HIM: She welcomes him with smiles and an affectionate hug.

3. SHE COOKS DELICIOUS MEALS FOR HIM. She brows the net, read menu books and upgrade her culinary skills just because of him. She knows how to make a man go hungry for food.

4. SHE LISTENS TO HIM. Unlike you, she doesn't interrupt him when he talks. She respects his words and cling to them like the words of Supreme Divinity. She values his instructions and carry them out to the letter. She gives him her ears when he is going through pains and frustrations. She never judges him, shuns him or criticizes him. Your husband is always eager to talk to or chat with her. He always feel understood, loved, respected, cherished and adored around her.

5. SHE LOOKS GOOD FOR HIM. She wears whatever he buys for her and always smell good.

6. SHE PLAYS WITH HIM. You think your husband don't like to play and act like a kid once in a while? His mistress knows this and often roll on the rug with him, play Chess with him, follow him to watch football match at the viewing centre or splash water on him at the beach.

7. SHE PAMPERS HIM: She nurses him, romances him and gives him tender care when he is sick.

8. PEACE OF MIND: She doesn't disturb him at work and monitor him all over the places.

9. SHE IS YOUR OPPOSITE: Of course, your husband often complain about you to her and she makes sure she acts exactly the opposite of you. She makes sure she doesn't nag him, judge him or condemn him.

10. SHE GIVES HIM HOT, PASSIONATE SEX: Sorry to hear this one. She always welcome your husband into her bosom and gives him hot, steaming, passionate sex, any day, any time, for as long as he wants and as many times as possible.

Hmmm... are you mad at this discovery? Don't be. Just be thanking God for revealing the secret of your "enemy" to you. 

Now is the time to OUTSMART her. Start doing times 2 or more of every quality of the mistress I listed above. Don't wait till you feel like it. Love does not depend on feelings but action. Make up your mind to be your husband's mistress, if he gets plenty of his needs met at home, he won't waste his time with an opportunist outside.

You want to win his love back, that is your goal in the next three months. Now, start working on your goal. Your husband can leave his mistress and fall madly in love with you all over again, in fact, he can love you like mad, like crazy. The power is in your hands. I've placed the secrets of the mistress on your palms. Go work on it! See you sharing your testimony soon...

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