Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Saturday 17 October 2015


"I'm divorced",he announced with pain.

"Why?" I was alarmed.

"She is a witch!"

"You sure?"
"She herself confessed during a deliverance session.Her spiritual husband is also hell bent on sending me to my early grave."

"But you are a Pastor, didn't you know before you married her she was a witch? I mean did God ask
you to marry a witch?"

"Well," he faltered, "I had gone for prayer and fasting on the mountain when I saw her and the
Holy Spirit told me immediately that she is the one."

"You mean the Holy Spirit asked you to marry a witch?"

"I didn't know she was a witch!" I could sense annoyance in his voice. His face flushed as he tried hard to hide his embarrassment, pain and
frustration. I tried hard to be kind.

"So God asked you to divorce her."

"I had to send her packing!"

"You know God is against divorce."

"God is not against divorcing a witch."




"Will you marry me?"


"Seun, will you marry me?" End of interview.

This is not a joke,it is a true life story and a replica of what happens in so many homes.The issue of "God says" and God's will has destroyed many lives beyond repair.

Marriage is not a joke. It is not a one night stand. It is a life long journey till death separates you. That is why your spouse is called a LIFE PARTNER. You are both in partnership for life. You can't wake up one day and say you want to go your separate ways. You can't change your mind again forever -GOD HATES DIVORCE.

When searching for a life partner, WATCH as well as pray. Close one eye in Prayer and use the other one in watching. Study your object of interest a lot. Make friends with them before you propose. Ask questions. Be spiritually sensitive. Know how God speaks to you. Don't expect an audible voice to tell you who your spouse is if God has not been speaking to you through that medium. The devil also speaks audibly.

I DON'T BELIEVE IN TAKING NAMES TO PROPHETS. They don't know your spouse for God's sake.Taking names arround is a sure proof of spiritual laziness on your part. Go meet God your father YOURSELF and ask him questions. Are you both quarelling?

I remember taking some names to a prophetess sometime ago. A friend had taken me to her for some spiritual assistance. She looked at his name on the list and ticked it. She said God has approved him as my husband. I was confused. This guy didn't love me one bit though I liked him a lot and had just included him as a last option.That was the beginning of a serious problem for me because I spent years waiting, day dreaming and senselessly hoping, thank God my hubby came along.

Do your work well. Don't marry somebody you do not love and respect because one prophet or "voice" told you to marry them.

One man looked at his wife with raw hatred and told her, "If not the Holy Spirit that told me to marry you, I would not have married someone like you." Would the Holy Spirit ask you to marry someone you hate?

Please BE CAREFUL.Marriage is not a do or die affair.Wait on God. Be wise. Open your eyes clearly
and learn to hear God by yourself. It is better to be single hoping to be married than married and praying to be single.

Enjoy your day


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