Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Monday 21 March 2016


Some men are masters at telling lies! While some only have a degree from the faculty of lies, some have their Masters, some P.H.D while the others are Professors, men I salute!!!
Not all men are liars, to believe that is to be myopic and to swallow everything every man tells you hook, line and sinker shows you are really naive.

Liars come into your life like saints. They cook up stories that are never true. Whenever you challenge the validity or authenticity of their claims, they flare up and call you names. Their stories always contradict each other and you are always at a loss for words. Their actions leave you in doubt and you find it difficult trusting them.

They make promises they never keep and are experts at masking their true feelings. They may tell you they like everything you do, yet flare into a boiling rage over a minor mistake. They are men who have wives, girl friends, children out of wedlock but deny it and feed on your ignorance.

To prevent your heart from being broken and shattered by men, learn to be discerning, wise and have a reliable, mature, spirit filled counsellor you can always report yourself to. You can't handle any man without being accountable to anybody. No woman can handle a man.

Whenever a single lady tells me she can handle a play boy, I laugh heartily and give her a piece of my mind. You are simply playing with fire! When a man is hell bent on getting you, he will, married or single, it doesn't disturb him one bit.

As a married woman, my husband is my number one accountability partner and counsellor when it comes to dealing with men. He has offered so many useful suggestions and advise that have helped me in dealing with men a great deal.

"Do not be wise in your own eyes" is what the Holy Book says. Liars thrive on secrecy. As long as you don't disclose your conversation with them to anybody, they have a field day destroying your life.

Learn to be wise lady! Seek out godly mentors and counsellors who can always guide you and lead you on the right path.

You will be glad you did.

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