Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Wednesday 14 June 2017


There are some relationships between married opposite sex that needs to be cut off without any apology.

Affairs are on the increase because people don't take PRECAUTION. No one just wakes up, hates his marriage and plans to smooch with someone else's spouse, they simply over stepped boundaries and found themselves rolling in sheets.

Here are the signs you are heading for trouble and need a break:

1. THEY ARE VERY FOND OF YOU: Red light! Run! Sometimes, we women are blind to all the signals. I used to be naive. I take men at their words. You call yourself a saint, I treat you a saint, it took me a long time to decode a man's unusual feelings for me. When some married men began having serious trouble with their wives because of me, it was then I got the message and ended the "brother/sister" relationship without looking back. If they are comparing you with their spouse, their spouse are becoming insecure around you or jealous of you, END THE RELATIONSHIP.

2. YOUR SPOUSE IS JEALOUS: Healthy jealousy is needed in a healthy marriage. Even God watches over us jealously. If your spouse feels insecure and questions all your discussion and meeting with your friend or "brother/sister in Christ," end the relationship.

3. THEY ARE TAKING YOUR TIME. I once had a friend who liked taking my time. He wanted to chat with me till midnight. I asked about his wife and he claims she does not bother him neither does she have access to his phone, I was shocked! This guy teaches people about relationships yet he wasn't practicing TRANSPARENCY in his marriage. I told him my husband have access to the nitty-gritty of our chats and I point blank told him his marriage is sick and he needs to work on it. Our relationship is now history.

4. THEY COMPETE WITH YOUR SPOUSE. There are some "friends" that will wish your spouse is dead so that they can take over. If they always want to do what your spouse should be doing for you, they are competing with your spouse, END IT.

5. THEY ARE JEALOUS OF YOUR SPOUSE. I have an antenna for spotting jealousy a mile off. If they hate talking to your spouse, disdain them, always make you feel you married a nobody or someone they are far better than, END THE RELATIONSHIP.

6. IT GETS EMOTIONAL. They miss your calls and chats and ALWAYS want to see you, END IT.

7. IT GETS PHYSICAL:They are beginning to focus more on your physical appearance and body shape -let the relationship go! I'm sensitive to men's compliments. I don't expect a man focus on my curves when complimenting. If they are taking in too much details about your figure, let the relationship go!

8. YOU ARE QUARRELING WITH YOUR SPOUSE BECAUSE OF THEM. No explanation, just end the relationship -period!

There are so many more signals but time will not permit me to explain all. Don't lose your marriage because of your friend. If you experience one or more of these, it's time to end the relationship and work on your marriage.




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