Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Monday, 11 June 2018


You are having sex if you only join your sexual organs. You are making love if your spirit, soul, body, affection, tenderness, respect, honour and admiration is involved in the sex! You are renewing your love over and over again when you affectionately pour all of yourself into your spouse

The reason for so many cheating and sexual affairs is most couples, about 90% are having sex, not making love and sex alone does not satisfy. Just going in and coming out does not satisfy! Using your spouse's body as a sexual release does not satisfy!!! Orgasm in itself alone does not satisfy!

What really satisfies is the fact that you are wanted, needed, desired, admired, deeply respected, appreciated, honoured and celebrated. When you feel this way with each other you want to express yourself at the deepest level, you want to make love over and over again, you are renewing your love!

Only your soul mate can make you enjoy sex! Only God's will for your life can really bond with you.  You only feel secured around a person who gives you peace and Only the will of God in marriage can give you peace. When you have peace, joy and spiritual oneness in marriage, sexual enjoyment naturally follows!

All sex outside marriage is abuse! Every pre-marital sex is an abuse of your body, you are not making love, you a are making trouble! You are creating disaster! You are playing with fire! If you eventually marry your partner in crime, that sex won't last because you ain't in love, you married out of lust! Love is patient and will for marriage to have sex; lust steals sex from you without paying bride price. You are seen as a sex object before marriage, you will continue to be a  sex object after marriage!

Marrying God's will is the best choice you will make in your life. Don't let the devil cheat you out of God's will due to impatience and desperation!

Peace is an acid test of Gods will. Amos 3:3 is a sign you are flowing together!

Learn self control before marriage. Keep your virginity till marriage. Stop having sex. Marry a spouse who celebrates, honours, cherishes and totally adores you. You will enjoy making love over and over again. I hope you understand? God bless you. Cheers!


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