Everything You Need To Know about Love, Relationship, Marriage and Life.


Tuesday 13 October 2015


Too many BOYS are getting married these days and it gets to me. How else would we explain a 30 year old man who sleeps and snores till 10a.m. in the morning and expects his wife to kneel down and greet after serving him a bowl of pounded yam and egusi soup he never worked for?
How do you explain a man who still lives in his father's boys’ quarters with six children and wanders why his mother always send him on errand?

How do you explain a man who is so immature with his emotions that he flares up and explodes at any slight provocation? What about the man that can't make any sound decision about his life until he has consulted "daddy" first, is that a man?

This one talks like a parrot and gossips better than the world champion female gossip on his street, wait, what do you think you are?

What about the one who not only make unnecessary argument with his wife a hobby but beats her silly when provoked in the name of proving his manhood. You are not a man, we can't see it, that is why you have to turn to Hulk Hurgan or Jackie Chan while beating your wife silly so that we can know you have two balls. Grow up man!

A real man commands respect without noise. Your wife says "yes sir" because you are a man worth listening to. You are a hard worker who provides for the need of your family and ensures they are well fed, clothed and live under a decent roof!

A real man has a full grip of his emotions. He doesn't talk any how neither is he easily provoked.

A real man is independent minded and does not need to visit his father from time to time to seek approval before making sound decisions. You are now married, sit down with your wife and plan your future together.

A real man gets his accommodation no matter how small and does not take his wife to his father's house.

A real man is dependable. He is not a lair, deceiver, adulterer, cheat, wife molester and a drunkard neither is he selfish, malicious, hot tempered, lazy and indolent. We need more men these days. They seem to be getting scarce and scarce.

Are you a man?


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