Most men don't enjoy sex with their wives. On a scale of 10, hardly would we find 3 men who can boldly declare his sex life excellent. So, they keep suffering in silence, fantasize about their ex-girlfriends, secretary in the office or plain run into the arms of the ever willing mistress.
Now, is the time to claim your husband back and have him glued to you like super glue for the rest of your married life.
Desire to please him: Make up your mind to act right. Even if he treats you badly, for God's sake, honour him, never repay evil for evil.
Admire his body: Men love to be admired by their wives. Take a long, tender look at his sharp eyes, well carved nose, sexy moustache (if he has any) sensous lips, broad chest, bulging biceps and if he is slender, appreciate that tall, slim frame. Appreciate his skin! Whether tanned, chocolate, fair, dark or black, he's your husband, he's got no other wife, don't allow anybody do that job for you.
Tell him you find him hot and wanna sleep with him any day, any time: Married couples should use sexy words freely between each other. Send sexy text messages, chat, call, set romance in pace. Tell him you love him and you think about him all the time.
Wear sexy under-wears for him: Deliberately do things that turn him on. Make marriage fun. When no one is watching, give him a quick kiss, slap his behind playfully, tenderly play with his beard, etc.
Go to bed spic and span: NEVER sleep beside your husband without brushing your teeth or bathing, it's a huge turn off.
Try things you've never tried before: Learn to kiss. If you don't know how, google it. Play with his body. Climb on top of him and work on every part of him.
Take the lead: If you are tired of cowgirl, go spooning, doggy, sitting or standing, lead!
Match his speed: Follow the rhythm. Make love to him. Do it to him.
Get your body in shape: You need to work on your body. Drop the fat. Work on the stretch marks. Exercise, eat vegetables, drink plenty of water. A successful sex life needs lots of energy.
10. Vagina birth after 3 children can leave you over stretched.
Go back to the virgin he married. Do kegel excerise. It will flatten your tummy and restore strength to the appropriate places.
Do not keep your mouth shut during love making: If he wants you to moan, do it. Speak in tongues, call Jesus' name (don't swear sha) or give him the names his father and mother forgot to give him.
Pray for grace to satisfy your husband: It's not easy considering work, stress, children and running the family. The Lord is your strength.
Your husband can remain faithful to you for the rest of your married life. It's completely upto you.
You have that power over him. Use it!